Saturday, 17 August 2013

Wakatobi Indonesia

After the lovely Spice Islands, we did a 3-day/3-night passage to Wakatobi in Sulawesi. Lots of great ceremonies and a wonderful warm reception from all. There was a welcome barge with dancing and they encouraged the Sail Indonesia folks to participate. We got up there with them (no one else was having any part of that) and danced around... great fun! :)

We enjoyed a few days there and then headed out yesterday to anchor and spend some time diving. Wakatobi area and then Taka Bone Rate, just south of Sulawesi are supposed to be some of the best diving spots in the world with the most diversity in coral types. I think they have over 700 of the world's 850 varieties. We did a wall dive yesterday and are planning 2 dives for today.

Last evening a tiny local fishing boat pulled up to our yacht and we bought some little local lobsters from them for dinner... don't think maine lobster... not even close, but still a nice treat. We enjoyed a walk on the small Hoga Island followed by some Mie Goreng (fried noodles) on the beach with our friends Ruthie and Neal from Rutea.

with Equanimity and Joy